Thursday 29 October 2015

Throwback Thursday Album: Pirate Party

This spread is comprised of photos from 2007 and is part of my 'Throwback' album. I do this album every now and then, stealing pictures off my Facebook albums. This one was a party I went to at Uni so it's a pretty old one.

I picked out the Red from the pictures when choosing the additional cards to use in the album and the spread really ended up focused around Red, Black and White and I like the finished look.

I used this as a real opportunity to use up as many of the Anchor stickers I have as possible! I did a pretty good job I think, these are all from the 'I am' collection by Simple Stories, I have no idea when else I would have used these stickers but they were perfect for this!

I used a few stamps, one from a Heidi Swapp stamp set and the 'Oh Goodness' Is from an Amy Tangerine roller stamp, I love the phrases on that particular roller stamp and end up using them in almost every spread!

See my video on how to create this here:

Do you have a 'Throwback' album?

Tuesday 27 October 2015

Scrapbooking 12x12 layout: Good Buddies

This was my first 12x12 layout after getting through 2 albums of project life, I've finally branched in to typical scrapbooking and I'm very very pleased with how this turned out!

I had 3 instax photos from an occasion when my friends visited and they didn't really fit in to a project life spread so I decided to do a 12x12 layout instead. I used shades of blue and some bright patterned papers with greens, reds and blues running through them. 

I used a medium circle punch to create some paper confetti to add interest to the sides of the layout, I also added sequinned in blue and green! 

I used some Kaiser Kraft stickers to add some cool phrases to the spread and had my first attempt using doilys! They really added to the layout and I'll definitely use them again! 

I had so much fun creating this spread and I love the finished look! Definitely going to try lots more of these and maybe some mixed media ones soon!! Oooooo exciting! 

See my YouTube video below if you want to see the process: 

If you've got any tips or advice for 12x12 spreads leave a comment below. :) 

Saturday 24 October 2015

About Me Album: Favourite Food

This post is the first of my 'About Me' album. After reading some blogs I came across various mini album projects such as the #myselfiescrapbook and decided to create my own version of this. I purchased the Simple Stories 'I am' collection set and a 6x8 album. My intention is to include a number of pocket pages with pictures of friends, family, cats, cakes, food, TV and music, career and hobbies as well as the odd selfie to depict some of my favourite things in 2015 and return to the album this time next year to see what has changed.

The page I started with was this 'favourite foods' spread (worryingly this was the easiest spread for me to come up with because of all the food pictures I have taken over the last year!!). In the end this spread doesn't contain much from the 'I am' collection but lots of other items from my stash.
For the title page I used a Project Life card from the Becky Higgins 'Fine and Dandy' collection. I toyed with the idea of a black and white card but it just looked a lot better with the Green, I think it drew on the colours from the bottom left breakfast picture.  The letter stickers used here and on the bottom left card are from the Simple Stories 'I am' collection 12x12 sticker set, I love the teal coloured ones! I used a washie tape sticker that I picked up in Lidl and a star punch from Tiger to make the red patterned star on the title card. I used a pale blue and pink La-De-Dah card to journal a list of my favourite food, the colours on the card really draw across the pinks and blues from the pictures on the right hand side to make the spread more cohesive.
I took the opportunity to use plenty of the stamps from the Clearly Kelly stamp set 'Food Coma' on this page, in fact the set was made for this kind of spread! Loved the #delicious stamp which I can't believe I hadn't used until creating this!

Finally I used my circle punch and a roller stamp to embellish the Coke picture, I punched out the circle using some of the off cuts of paper I have from cutting down 6x6 pads, stamped the phrase on and added some short journaling before attaching it all with my tiny attacher! Job done. Can't wait to get the family pages done now! That's my next job for sure.

I created a YouTube video to show the process of putting this layout together, have a look, any feedback or tips are welcome.

Wednesday 21 October 2015

2015 Project Life: The Birthday

It was my 29th Birthday and I created this spread to commemorate the lovely day I had with family and friends. I got totally spoilt with flowers, cards, lots of presents, yummy dinner, cocktails and the most amazing cake that my Mum made me. It really was a great day.
I felt the need to use lots of bright colours in the spread and as a lot of my pictures were instagram snippets of the day I decided to use the 4x4 design pocket pages. The bright coloured sheets came from the Becky Higgins confetti range paper pad and a simple stories 6x6 paper pad. I love using the paper pads to create my own project life cards and they always prove useful when creating a 4x4 spread.

Once I'd got my pictures printed and the remaining spaces organised with filler cards I started on the embellishments and stamping, I used the Clearly Kelly Food Coma set the 'Big Bite' stamp came in handy for the picture of the HUGE slice of cake in the bottom right picture. The Simple Stories stickers came in handy, I was hoping to use one of the circle stickers but none looked right, so I went for the speech bubble saying 'so very lucky' as it summed up how I felt on the day and the 'Super' sticker that I used to embellish the flowers in the top left, I wanted to add some blue to bring the colour across the spread.

I decided to place some Journaling in to the spread, I'm not huge on journaling as I'd originally started project life with the view that it would be a photo album so writing lots about what was going on wasn't my gig. I was much more about letting the pictures do the talking, but sometimes a little journaling helps to set the scene. I settled for a list and I used the La-De-Dah journaling sheets and picked out the card titled 'Lucky because' which just happened to fit the spread perfectly! The 100% me stamp set from Clearly Kelly also proved useful with one of my favourite stamps 'Today was Awesome' I used it to form a title page in the top Right hand corner.

Overall I was so pleased with this finished spread, it so happy, funky and I love the bright colours. Its the kind of spread that screams 'me' and I love it!

Monday 19 October 2015

Organising Project Life Cards

I had one of those relaxed weekends, did some cleaning visited the 'rents and generally chilled out. I was looking through my scrapbooking stash and I got over excited and decided to colour co-ordinate all of my project life cards. Only a total geek admits that?

I have a fairly small range of cards in comparison to a lot of people I'm sure. But it was a fiddly job sorting through them and as I like to colour coordinate spreads or match cards to specific colours from my pictures, it made more sense to organise them by colour. I buy my cards from ebay, I buy partial sets as I've never really committed to a particular card pack; I'd definitely get bored of a specific set and 400 odd cards of one particular colour or style is too much for me! I don't bother to arrange them in sets and if I'm honest I have no idea what named sets they are from, I just pick the ones I like and use them when they fit.

I started off quite simply arranging them in to colour piles and then stood them up in a small box labelling them with post it notes. Straight forward. I haven't used them yet so goodness knows if they'll work out for me! I'll keep you posted.

How do you organise your Project Life cards?

Sunday 18 October 2015

2015 Project Life: Newmarket Nights

This project life spread was part of a huge catch up I managed last week and it was one of those instances where everything just came together. I am in love with the bright colours and vibrant nature of this spread. 

The bright coloured 3x4 cards are predominantly from my 6x6 kaleidoscope paper pad which is definitely one of my all time favourite paper collections. 

I cut the paper down to the size of Project Life cards and used one card from the Fine and Dandy collection that happened to work with the spread. 

One of this things I love about memory keeping is using little snippets from the day like ticket stubs, and in this spread I used my tiny attacher to save the wrist band from the event, it helped to bring the green throughout the rest of 
the layout. 

I used a selection of Technique Tuesday stamps including Going Places and No Picture. I love using the stamps on 3x4 paper to make my own project life cards! 

Overall I was very pleased with the finished layout! The paper pads added some vibrancy that personally, I love! 

What 6x6 paper pads are your faves? Any you'd recommend? 

Thanks for reading, Sam XO

Hello and Welcome

Hi guys, I'm Sam and I'm intending to use this blog to talk about scrapbooking and project life and have a little space to geek out about crafting with like minded people!

Your comments, advice and feedback are always welcome so feel free to follow me on Instagram and leave blog comments. You can also contact me directly on 

If you're interested in scrapbooking, crafting and project life then join me for the ride!