Sunday 18 October 2015

2015 Project Life: Newmarket Nights

This project life spread was part of a huge catch up I managed last week and it was one of those instances where everything just came together. I am in love with the bright colours and vibrant nature of this spread. 

The bright coloured 3x4 cards are predominantly from my 6x6 kaleidoscope paper pad which is definitely one of my all time favourite paper collections. 

I cut the paper down to the size of Project Life cards and used one card from the Fine and Dandy collection that happened to work with the spread. 

One of this things I love about memory keeping is using little snippets from the day like ticket stubs, and in this spread I used my tiny attacher to save the wrist band from the event, it helped to bring the green throughout the rest of 
the layout. 

I used a selection of Technique Tuesday stamps including Going Places and No Picture. I love using the stamps on 3x4 paper to make my own project life cards! 

Overall I was very pleased with the finished layout! The paper pads added some vibrancy that personally, I love! 

What 6x6 paper pads are your faves? Any you'd recommend? 

Thanks for reading, Sam XO

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