Saturday 7 November 2015

Project Life 2015: Halloween

Here is a 2015 Project Life spread of my Halloween celebrations. I love the collection of pictures I took here and this spread was a fun one to put together. I took lots of pictures of elements of the day which is a new approach for me, my spreads normally contain lots of pictures of people, but it's fun to document the little things too like the decorations, pumpkins, our yummy midnight margaritas and my very first attempt at Pumpkin Pie (which was delicious by the way!)

I printed off all of my pictures, I use the beautiful mess app to get them in the 3x4 format, its easy for me to do with my phone and send it straight from there to my wireless printer! This way I could use lots of instagram photos too! I love the top left hand 4x6 photo I managed to get the date in too.
You'll see three of the folder label stickers which I used for journaling in this spread. I got the set pretty cheap off Amazon, I was so chuffed with this find! As you'll be able to see from the YouTube video this pack came with lots of different colours and there are hundreds of labels, this little set should do me for quite a while!!

The filler card is made from a Becky Higgins Project Life card, I'm afraid I have no idea which kit! I used this cute 'Week End' sticker as Halloween this year fell on a Saturday and I love these white letter stickers that I'd got off eBay - nearly run out now, definitely need to get some more of those!
I added lots of stickers to the layout and all of them are by Simple Stories, the tiny word sticker, and the black clear photo sticker that says 'this way to fun' as well as the small orange sticker and the grey one in the top right hand corner. I always find these sets so versatile and use them in almost every spread I do!

This final picture shows my 12x12 layout next to the standard Project Life spread (which you can view here) , I love the way they look next to each other, so pleased with the final look of this spread! Yay!

To see what I used watch the YouTube video below, don't forget to subscribe to my channel! :)

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